Aku merayau kat blog Nieza, skali dia tag aku daaa... bape lama dah tag tu tak berjawab.. muahahhahah.. ampun ya nieza...

Tag :1. Post YOUR photo wearing red, may it be red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if you hate wearing red. If you can't find one, u still have an option. Either post your significant other's photo or your child's photo, if you have one. Of course they should be wearing red.

2. Let us know the reason why you were wearing that particular day. Was it your birthday, is red your fave colour or was it the shirt that you first saw in your closet that day?

3. Tag 5 people close to your heart from your blogroll

Jawapan ku adalah!

Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO like the red red one arr... my baju tak banyak yg red karerrr.. tp hubby mmg banyak koleksi baju red karerrr... tatau la pasai pa asal beli jersi or t'shirt, mesti nak yg red karerrr... but for me, i have a lot lot lot of 'internal suit' in da red kererrrrrr!!! hik hik hik! OoopS! huhuuhuhuu....

mcm ni blh? hahahhahahah!!

Soalan no 3 tu, nak tag sape plak eh...
Kak Mya
Anna @ Anna
Kak Mah

FINGER NOTE!>>Aku Kureng la Tag MengTag neg!<<


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